Philosophy and/or Ministry Focus
The purpose of this ministry is to increase awareness to all of the activities that occur throughout the year through advertising and communications via web or print.
The new website has been live throughout 2013 and we update it daily with news and events as soon as it arrives. We currently average 1,200 visits per month. This is down 41% over last year. The news section and bulletin are currently the most popular areas on our website.
The e-newsletter currently has 771 subscribers and averages an average open rate of 25% with 7% clicking on links. We currently send out the newsletter once a week but we may change this depending on demand. We need all lists from individual ministries so that we can reach all members.
Social Media
Our Facebook page currently has 2,526 friends, which is up 1,000 over last year. I have also started an lnstagram account which will be used to further encourage events.