The Senior Heritage Fellowship Ministry was founded in 2006. It is one of the longest running, consistent monthly ministries here at the Basilica. We meet on the last Thursday of every month to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together, followed by a wonderful presentation and lunch with fellowship time as well. We usually invite a special guest speaker to present on a range of topics-spiritual and those pertaining to seniors, specifically.
During the winter months, we may have a social hour, guest speakers, play bingo or watch a movie. Last summer we visited the Arab American National Museum, took a bus to Shipshewana, Indiana, went to Greek Town and to Windsor to shop.
We had a special Christmas luncheon for about 45 people, raffling off gifts, which was enjoyed by all. We also celebrated Fr. Jim’s birthday, along with the Daughters of St. Mary’s and the Mother/Toddler group. Any proceeds from our group is put back into our program, making us self-sufficient.
We would like to see more people involved in our program and to bring fresh ideas. Those working to bring this program every month are Fr. Jim, Christina, Stella Kallil, Suham Ghannam, Lily Kawwas, Aida Kakish and myself. We also want to say thank you to Keith and the Cultural Center staff for providing our lunches.